
Instal the last version for ios Pacific Warships
Instal the last version for ios Pacific Warships

instal the last version for ios Pacific Warships

On the topic of tech tree lines, most of them are absolutely terrible now cause of power creep and it only gets better at Tier 10. Cause the shiny new ship can't possibly be worse than the old ones. WHY? These new tech tree lines are monetized behind early access and battle pass, and usually power creeps older ships to make it more appealing to customers. Then WG recently has the need to pump out new tech tree lines every other update, with random gimmicks. AND if they do use the pings to home their torps at you, it doesn't tell you which direction they're going it only tells you the location the pinged you from, and since they are fast, by the time you drop depth charges on them, they're probably miles away from that location already. Submarine pings are the only way to know where a sub is if they're undetected but they can have the option to not use it and shotgun you instead, so you won't know what hit you.

instal the last version for ios Pacific Warships

It's stealthy, fast, and got an arsenal of torpedoes to just send you back to port from full HP and dive down and disappear. and if a Sub is right under you, you're probably dead anyways. Where for some reason hydroacoustic search is useless for detecting submarines unless it is right under you. Then there's the mighty introduction of submarines. Because when an Aircraft Carrier decides to focus you, there's nothing you can do about it even if you're pooling Anti-Air fire power with other ships, the Aircraft Carrier can always drop you at least once, ruin your day, and you can't do anything about them since their ship is undetected and probably way behind their spawn hiding. If you've played World of Tanks and hated how it was nigh impossible to counter SPGs, then don't even bother to pick this up.įor the uninitiated, World of Warships has been in declined since the Aircraft Carrier Rework, where you can only pray and hope that the Aircraft Carrier doesn't pick on you.

Instal the last version for ios Pacific Warships