
2 functions carried out in brain stem
2 functions carried out in brain stem

The cranial nerves emerge from the brainstem. It is composed of three sections: the midbrain, pons, and medulla.

  • Brainstem: The brainstem is the lowest region of the brain and is continuous with the spinal cord.
  • The pituitary gland is a structure that extends directly above the optic chiasm, where the optic nerves meet.
  • Hypothalamus and pituitary gland: The hypothalamus is a tiny region of the brain located directly above the pituitary gland.
  • Thalamus: The left and right thalami are below the internal capsule, above the brainstem, and near the lateral ventricles.
  • The frontal regions of the cerebral cortex surround the left and right internal capsules. The internal capsule is located near the lateral ventricles.
  • Internal capsule: This area is located deep in the brain and is considered white matter.
  • Limbic system: The limbic system is located deep in the brain and is composed of several small structures, including the hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, and hypothalamus.
  • And the occipital lobes, which are the smallest lobes, are located in the back of the cerebral cortex. The parietal lobes are at the top middle section of the brain. The temporal lobes are located on the sides of the brain, near and above the ears. The frontal lobes are the largest, and they are located at the front of the brain.
  • Lobes of the cerebral cortex: Each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is composed of four lobes.
  • The corpus callosum runs from the front of the cerebral cortex to the back of the cerebral cortex. The outer part of the cerebral cortex is often described as gray matter, and the deeper areas are often described as white matter due to their microscopic appearance.

    2 functions carried out in brain stem 2 functions carried out in brain stem

    It includes two hemispheres (halves), which are connected to each other-physically and functionally-by the corpus callosum. Cerebral cortex: This is the largest portion of the brain.

    2 functions carried out in brain stem